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Online Marketing Statistics Validate the Importance of User Reviews

When it comes to making a decision on purchasing a product, most online consumers base their decisions on product or user reviews. In fact, this has been validated by recent online marketing statistics about online consumers' buying habits.

Here are a few examples of online marketing statistics that validate the importance of user reviews to the e-shoppers:
  1. 81% of those who plan to go on a holiday trip checkout the actual reviews of previous holiday goers.

  2. 90% of those who checkout business reviews trust the information as accurate and reliable.

  3. 62% of actual e-shoppers base their decision on reviews written by real buyers who submit their reviews on consumer boards or forums.

  4. Online marketing statistics revealed that 46% Britons base their buying decisions on consumer reviews but only 32% of them are interested in submitting their own online reviews about the product they bought.

  5. Half of the US Internet users read product and consumer reviews, but only 19% will post a review of their own. These figures doubled compared to the survey reports gathered from the previous years.

  6. 69% of those who find reviews as useful, share the information they gathered to their friend and relatives. Hence, this gives more emphasis on the importance of reviews based on this online marketing statistics.
One way to ensure consumer retention is to get feedback in the form of users' reviews. This is to harness the online marketing statistics about reviews as the e-shoppers' buying tool. Thus, providing a review section at your website will give you the following advantages:
  1. You can be directly informed about the issues regarding your consumers' complaints rather than staying uninformed about it because they were posted at a consumer board or forum.

  2. You can personally get in touch with the consumer in order to let them know that you are acting on their complaint by testing the product.

  3. Some consumers will only post a complaint but will not bother to make a re-post if the company did something to rectify or replace the defective merchandise. Hence, for the benefit of other readers, they will know that your company is willing to act on complaints with proper merits.

  4. In some cases, consumer complaints were baseless and can be resolved by pointing out certain instructions as to its proper use. Unfortunately, there are consumers who will not post another comment to admit their mistakes. Having your own reviews section will allow you to post the explanation while other readers can take note of this information for their own purchases.

  5. Nobody wants to be short changed in their purchases, hence, this is also one way of knowing whether the supplier of your raw materials or products are providing you with the best to maintain the quality of what you are selling.

  6. Most complaints are about delays in shipping or delivery; reviews about this particular aspect will let you know whether you have to change the shipping company you are using.

  7. Good reviews on the other hand can be responded to with appreciation as a way of building good customer relationship.
Additional online marketing statistics revealed that websites with review sections resulted to greater customer satisfaction. Statistics showed 7% increase in loyalty in purchasing from the same website and 11% intended to recommend the website to their family and friends.

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